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Blue- the movie

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1Blue- the movie Empty Blue- the movie Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:01 pm


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Nice title to make lame jokes on- I just watched Blue(the)movie.

Its Laxmipoojan. This day the Goddess of wealth is supposed to come home. Unfortunately, she's pretty pissed at me and so I am poorer by 140 bucks today. And where did this money go? On Blue(pronounced as Balooooooooo with never-ending O's)

This movie is the most expensive in Bollywood's history. Made on a budget of 100 crores, it is shot almost entirely in Bahamas. All the grandeur, the splendid underwater visuals, extended chase sequences and Kylie Minogue is where the movie blew up this gigantic sum along with an undisclosed chunk of amount on getting Akshay Kumar. Thank God they did that, otherwise this movie has got nothing to watch.

The plot is itself weak and a typical Hollwood wannabe one. Zayed Khan, Sanjay Dutt and Akshay Kumar are in the pursuit of a hidden treasure that got buried in the sea half a century after an Indian ship drowned. The treasure is still protected by killer sharks and numerous adventurers have in futile tried to search for it. Sanjay Dutt knows the treasure but isn't willing to go and get it even though he knows the sea like the back of his hand. Finally, when the stakes get too high, our heroes embark on the treasure hunt.

Fairytale, did you say? Oh yes, if you to scare children off fantasy forever.

The biggest mistake in the movie- Zayed Khan. He is such an irritating wannabe, you feel like slapping him in each and every scene. Dude, with the money you have earned from this movie(though my friends are of the opinion that he paid up to be a part of the movie), go join an acting class. And yes, do us a favor- never emerge out of it. Then comes Lara Dutta who tries real hard to be hot but fails miserably. Technically, she has everything- a toned bod, great face but she lacks the X factor that makes you yawn even you see her swimwear covering 3/4th of the giant screen. Sanjay Dutt, paired opposite to her, looks like her father. Katrina Kaif sure looks ravishing in the new look but her character needs a lot of attitude which she fails to deliver. Kylie Minogue is a complete waste and when she goes "Baby" you CRINGE.

The cinematographers should learn that we are not in the theatre for taking a dekko at the natural beauty but a proper story. The visuals should amplify the movie watching experience not form the movie. The action scenes, supposedly choreographed by action director of Die Hard and underwater sequences by Pirates... one, are so bland that you wonder if these people were paid less. The climax, in which I expected the killer sharks to be of major involvement falls flat before your expectations. Sharks are just for the namesake. Akshay Kumar, the only saving grace whose charisma lights up the screen screen, emerges as a superhuman by not breathing for ages even after losing his oxygen tank and the good guys triumph. *ZZZzzzz*

But the biggest disappointment is A R Rahman has failed this time. Barring Mere Khuda and Blue theme, the other songs are incredibly unbearable. I respect him too much to say that Oscar messed him up(damn, I said it!) and hope this is just his one off time.

But its not all bad, y'know. We get ample knowledge about Lara Dutta's anatomy from every possible camera angle. We learn that her ass is... oh no, I am not supposed to be getting into that. We also learn how even Oscar winners(Resul Pookutty, this is a jab at you. What's with your Jodha Akbar music in certain scenes and the chase sequences with Punjabi tunes?) can screw up big time and mere grandeur isn't enough. Sometimes, storylines do matter.

My sincere advice to you- Don't go for this movie. Go watch National Geographic or Discovery instead. You will save your time, money, null the chances of a f***ed up mind, and actually learn something.

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