Plot Summary: The film is set in a high school, where an elite group of twenty students—including rebellious heroine Kang Yi-na, her timid best friend Yoon Myong-hyo, and her would-be boyfriend Kang Hyeon—are taking a special class for their college entrance exam. After Kang Yi-na is nearly strangled and another student throttled in the restroom, the classroom TV screen switches to an image of top-ranking student Hye-yeong trapped inside a fish tank that is slowly filling with water. A disembodied voice announces that her life depends on the exam questions he will set for them, and that a student will die for every question the class gets wrong. Trapped with the students are head teacher Hwang Chan-wook and English teacher Choi So-yeong. Yi-na realizes that the students are being killed in order of their rank in the class, and she is ranked fifth. Someone is slowly killing the students one by one, but who are they? And what do they want?
Wicked stuff. A lot of blood and gore. The killing is done in really creepy yet ingenious ways. Most of the kids just get caught and pulled along. The second movie strays away from the first in a really ridiculous way. The first movie shows killing as timed occurrences whereas the second movie, although established beforehand that people will be killed in random (or in a sequence<- i haz fuzzy memory) they just get pwned big time before the supposed time ends. So the first movie shows timed killing while the second is more like a killing spree.
Wicked stuff. A lot of blood and gore. The killing is done in really creepy yet ingenious ways. Most of the kids just get caught and pulled along. The second movie strays away from the first in a really ridiculous way. The first movie shows killing as timed occurrences whereas the second movie, although established beforehand that people will be killed in random (or in a sequence<- i haz fuzzy memory) they just get pwned big time before the supposed time ends. So the first movie shows timed killing while the second is more like a killing spree.
- Spoiler:
- I wouldn't call this a spoiler actually but only the second movie has a wee bit supernatural element involved at the end.