Ankita wrote:And i am a big believer in the "way" you suggested for Omkar- Sacred union (though Omkar won't believe it, courtesy today's arguement about sex and divinity).
Ladies and gentlemen, brace up. Coz Ankita has opened a fresh new relevant topic here- Sex: Divine or not.
This is directly related. Ankita, I will cite many of your points here coz what you have said is echoed by many of my friends I happened to have similar discussions with.
The most common reason cited by the believers is that God can be found everywhere around you. They will say look at the flowers- where does the fragrance come in them? Look at Himalayas- who can make such a colossal masterpiece? Look at the Niagara, the Sahara, the intricate vegetation n animal life in them. Then look at yourself. How were
you born- the ultimate of the miracles(They are not pulling my leg
)- Reproduction- the ultimate of miracles. Look at the earth, the nightly sky, the astronomical bodies, the universe. Who could've made such stuff? Hell, who could've even thought of such stuff? Its God my dear friend. He is 'the one', while you are just da-one(yeah, my friends can be pretty lame at times).
Their point- God is the symbol of perfection, of miracles that cannot be gauged.
My point- why can't miracles be exclusive? Why do they have to have a source? Why do you have to gather them and give a collective name- God. Coz you know what, that just makes things difficult. You are afraid of displeasing the divine. And God's ways are argumentative. Some say God can be pleased by all your worshiping rituals, some lay emphasis on righteousness, some say sex(bless those who say it, by the way) the end we end up doing things sometimes we might not wanna do, and even at the end of it, we are not sure whether it will benefit us for sure.
Now look at the life of an atheist- you know what you will observe at first? Self-confidence. Self-belief. It might subsequently degenerate into vanity but that's a different issue. At least he won't be blaming any bloke sitting in the skies. He will write his book of life not with Camel ink made on
earth and not with some
Amrit voodoo. He will find more miracles which co-exist independently. He can appreciate much more because he can look at this for their individual awe-inspiring exquisiteness rather than tying a common thread round them.
Now coming to the sex part, the same argument was presented. Sex is the ultimate pleasure. What other activity can give you such an immense satisfaction physically and emotionally? Its so incredibly good, its sacred. Then the ritual of Hieros Gamos was cited which further stresses on sex being Godly.
Firstly, sex is not always about emotions. Secondly, granted that sex is pleasure but the ultimate- nah. Thirdly, why should we brand it the G tag just coz its good? Or for that matter, anything or anyone? Like we often call people, say for instance A R Rahman, a God(there's a fan club in orkut by the same name with 1,00,000+ followers).
Contradiction- A R Rahman is human. Humans are never perfect.
So God is not perfect.
You might say its a lame illustration to argue God's perfection. Take this- the Himalayas, the universe are all not perfect. Its just that they are so humongous-ly incomprehensible, we give up and with our hands down and bowed necks, call it Godly. Another explanation- we call such stuff perfect(quote: If there would have been even a slight change in the Big Bang and subsequent evolution, life wouldn't have existed) because there isn't anything like it. Is there another universe? Nope. You can't find cons when there aren't a separate set of pros to weigh against.
The world around us is full of miracles, some of which have been scientifically explained, some are still a riddle. The point lies in looking around you than looking up because looking up, you cann see just changing colors-one shade at a time, depending on the time, while around you you see hundreds and not just shades, but substance too- some human, some natural. We are a part of prodigy and many-a-time we are the prodigy.
Accept it.