Well well. Earlier whenever I used to google AmalgaNation, I used to get some silly results and at the top "Did You Mean: Amalgamation". I recently googled it again, and our Portal came on top.
Not a great achievement, but, HEY! It's a step upwards nonetheless. It seems someone even put in a meaning at Urban Dictionary; I'll quote it:
For those who don't know, Polyglot is someone who aptly and with a high level of fluency uses many languages. The word derives from the Ancient Greek.
Woah, My Space even has a profile on our name. Dunno who the guy is though
Link: http://www.myspace.com/amalganation (Someone check out when this thing was made by him...before we made our forum, or after).
And, oh, what's this: http://www.reverbnation.com/amalganation (What is this?)
Not a great achievement, but, HEY! It's a step upwards nonetheless. It seems someone even put in a meaning at Urban Dictionary; I'll quote it:
Urban Dictionary wrote:
The inevitable result of a polyglot or 'melting-pot' society. A collection of disparate people/parts united under a common flag.
A diverse and vibrant collection of citizens.
Reference: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Amalga-nation
For those who don't know, Polyglot is someone who aptly and with a high level of fluency uses many languages. The word derives from the Ancient Greek.
Woah, My Space even has a profile on our name. Dunno who the guy is though
Link: http://www.myspace.com/amalganation (Someone check out when this thing was made by him...before we made our forum, or after).
And, oh, what's this: http://www.reverbnation.com/amalganation (What is this?)